Sunday, February 11, 2018

Fun February Weekend

Feeling like a normal functional human again as my Vitamin D levels even out has been fantastic!

I have really needed to take care of all the leaves in my front yard and started making many many piles on Friday evening and Saturday morning. My arms are now killing me and I have three full bags so far with plenty more to come... I should probably go buy more bags!

However, the dreaded rain came AGAIN this weekend so I packed up and headed inside for some stitching.

I FINISHED the Stitchrovia Charity SAL! I LOVE it and it is beautiful, in my humble opinion.

I decided this weekend that in between larger finishes I should probably get some work in on my Pen Pals Sampler piece by The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery. I tend to get bored of it quickly because it's just a ton of smalls but that is also what is so appealing about it.

So I finished PiƱata Party!

Then, I pulled the colors for the Valentine's Day stamp and got a quick start on it. Mostly because I wanted to make one big color change before putting it away. So here is where I stopped.

I wanted to keep the momentum going of another finish so I proposed my list of want to stitch on to Bendy Michele these four: Sewing Cats, Ouija, black outline in Inkspire OR start the Michael Powell Italian charity piece. She directed me to my Cloudsfactory Ouija board. Which I was kind of leaning towards only because it is ALMOST DONE! And, in my head I have a great way I want to finish it!

Where I started...

Where I ended up for the weekend... A PAGE FINISH!!!

Another fun adventure today, Sunday, was going to the local Board and Brush with my boss, her daughter-in-law, and two of my good friends and we made cute "Valentine" themed boards.

This weekend was a productive, fun, and crafty one! Cannot wait to film the upcoming Floss Tube with all of the new progress. Stay tuned!

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