Wednesday, February 21, 2018

What a week....

I wanted to give a HUGE thank you to everyone for their love and support. It has been almost a week since I lost Gizmo. Potter and myself's new normal is weird but we are working on it. I am FINALLY able to sleep again. Potter is......... acting out but again we are working through it. Nonetheless I just wanted to thank this amazing community for the outreach and the comments during the last week it has really helped! I wanted to post a few photos of my girl before we get into ALL my stitching so far this week! ENJOY.


I started stitching again on Saturday and finished my Primitive Ouija Board by Cloudsfactory I have received a lot of comments about my fabric for this. I do know it was a 14ct Aida and it was one of my first ice dying attempts in 2015...... I think. I never really liked it I mean it was okay, but I knew it would take just the RIGHT pattern to make the fabric work for something. 

Once this was finished two of the pieces I've been wanting to work on for weeks I wasn't feeling as much this week because they were of cats or too happy... This all seems silly now but Saturday morning on 3 hours of sleep I just couldn't do it so I started something new. I've been FLYING through it. I LOVE this pattern but mostly I LOVE this fabric! It is my first time stitching on Jobelan and OMG. I tea dyed it a while back. If you want to see when I got the pattern, fabric and threads for this project it was in a February 2017 Flosstube video when I went to an LNS for the first time! But, I started Little House Needleworks Embroidery Guild.. I will post thread color changes and pattern changes when I finish the piece but enjoy some progress photos for now. 

Until the next post!


  1. Glad to see that you are feeling better. It is great to get a project finished. Keep up the good work.
