Tuesday, May 26, 2020

G is for Gallbladder

Heartstring Samplery's G is for Gallbladder is a finish. I did not have the fancy floss called for so I stitched this in DMC 166, 469, and 34 on Picture This Plus Murmur. This is Beth's newest creation ONLY available from Kitten Stitchers site under the charity charts tab. It is $5.00 and totally worth it and is the first in a new anatomical alphabet series. I'm here for it and I'm glad to have this stitched up! I will be stitching a second one in a few days as a gift.

Let's Try This Again

Good morning stitchers! And, welcome. My absence has been right about a year. I have off and on thought about my blog, however, the thought of pulling out my laptop just did not seem exciting to me.

With everything going on in 2020 I needed to update my page.... my WIPs list is updated and now has the start date of the pieces next to them. I really do need to work my way through those. I also updated my 2020 finishes list and updated my current reads. I know many of us are also avid readers and it is fun for me to share with you what I'm diving into in my free time.

I do not yet know how often my blogs will be but it will be happening with photos and information for you. Also for more consistent stitching information I do post a YouTube video every Friday about my stitching.

I also recently got back into my quilting fabric so that content will be here as well as it occurs. I hope you enjoy the information found here. Please let comments if you feel inclined. I love chatting with everyone.

Until the next update stay safe, sane and stitching. xoxo