Tuesday, May 26, 2020

G is for Gallbladder

Heartstring Samplery's G is for Gallbladder is a finish. I did not have the fancy floss called for so I stitched this in DMC 166, 469, and 34 on Picture This Plus Murmur. This is Beth's newest creation ONLY available from Kitten Stitchers site under the charity charts tab. It is $5.00 and totally worth it and is the first in a new anatomical alphabet series. I'm here for it and I'm glad to have this stitched up! I will be stitching a second one in a few days as a gift.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelli - You are now on my Blog Friend list...Yeah! This is really neat....I love your WIP....I am so looking forward to more progress pictures of your WIPS....I cannot wait til I see them. Take care....Happy Stitching....
